Girls volleyball defeated by Los Alamitos on Senior Night

by Agnes Chang, Staff Writer, and Michelle Nhi Nguyen, Staff Writer/Photographer

Girls varsity volleyball demonstrate strong defense on the court against Los Al. Photo by Michelle Nhi Nguyen
Girls varsity volleyball demonstrates strong defense on the court against Los Al. Photo by Michelle Nhi Nguyen

The Lady Barons volleyball team faced the Los Alamitos Griffins in their last home game of the 2015 season.

Both teams played hard, but the girls ultimately lost 0-3, with the individual scores being 17-25, 16-25, and 16-25.

Los Al had several star players who kept the level of intensity high with their hard-driven hits and strong blocking, keeping the Lady Barons on their toes for all three sets.

Nevertheless, the girls never failed in maintaining their high spirits both on and off the court, as was evident with their consistency and endurance. Their strong performance was assisted by the solid serve receive of libero Alex Brooks (‘18) and fierce kills earned by outside hitter Erin Finley (‘17).

The enthusiastic Loud Crowd, consisting of Fountain Valley’s spirited students, also added to the positive atmosphere, giving much love and support for the players while dressed in all white for the White Out game.

Loud Crowd shows their support for girls volleyball during the White Out game. Photo by Michelle Nhi Nguyen
Loud Crowd shows their support for girls volleyball during the White Out game. Photo by Michelle Nhi Nguyen

“The last four years have been an amazing experience and I’m sad to see it come to an end. Through the years I’ve made so many friends and memories that I’ll cherish forever,” said Thatsanaphonh (‘16). “We didn’t make it out on top but we sure fought hard. I love my team and [am] so grateful I had the chance to play with…them.”

This game not only marked the end of the girls volleyball season but also commemorated the team’s three senior players for Senior Night. Setter Brennan Cuttrell (‘16), opposite hitter Ashley Knipe (‘16), and outside hitter Maya Thatsanaphonh (‘16) were escorted across the court by family members as they were presented to the crowd and applauded for their high school volleyball career.


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