Audrey Beck shows her dedication through her passion of softball

by Linh Nguyen and Agnes Chang, Staff Writers

Softball shortstop player Audrey Beck has been playing on varsity softball for 4 years. Beck started off playing baseball when she was 5 years old. She ended up switching to softball when she was 8 years old because she felt it was more suited for her.

Audrey Beck (’16) poses at her National Letter of Intent Signing. Photo provided by Audrey Beck                                                                                                     

 The entire softball team has always displayed strong teamwork that there is no wonder why Beck and her team are very close together.

“I could easily call them my second family,” said Vu. “Honestly, I can just really tell them anything and they’ve been there to support through anything I do.”

Beck feels that softball has become a major part of her daily routine. From practicing with the Fountain Valley High School (FVHS) softball team after school for typically an hour and a half, she heads to another softball practice for the California Cruisers for another 3 hours. On her busy weekends, she plays for a total of 17 hours.

“Playing softball is definitely a sacrifice. I usually come home around 9 p.m. then I have to do homework and it is tough, but it’s a commitment I made,” said Beck.

Beck is very committed to her sport. Recently, she has been signed for a 4 year scholarship to Mount Mary University in Wisconsin and is the only person as of this year to do so. She is nervous for her future softball career, but looks forward to the experience. Beck thoroughly believes that it is worth the time and effort.

“The practice is definitely worth it. It’s changed how I play,” Beck said. “It’s definitely made me a better player on and off the field.”

Softball has impacted Beck’s life and believes that it has taught her many valuable life lessons.

“I’d have to deal with a lot of adversity, especially having to do with failure. Softball is a game of failure and I had to tell myself that you’re not going to get a hit every time or you’re not going to make the play every time,” Beck said. “So whatever mistakes you made, you have to let it go.”

Beck understands the difficulty of dedicating yourself to playing a sport. Additionally, she recommends to the athletes who are struggling to persevere and continue their path with the sport of their choice.

“My advice to athletes who are planning to sign is to not get discouraged on yourself. It is really difficult, but if you keep pushing yourself, you can get there,” Beck said.


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