6 ways to increase your productivity

1. Ask yourself these 2 questions as a positive call to action:

How do I WANT to feel today?

What do I have to get done today in order to FEEL that way?


2. Curate a list of to do’s

Use time management to do these tasks. You can time yourself to do things within a certain amount of time before you move onto a quick social media break or move onto the next thing.

Do this, and try to accomplish those tasks within a certain amount of time. If you do the harder tasks first, and the easier ones last, this will leave you feeling much more efficient and satisfied with what you’ve done SO far.


3. Declutter your space

Oftentimes, the condition of your desk/work space dictates the condition of your mind. So many people are saying to themselves, “I should clean my work space… I should clean my work space” without actually doing so! It’s much like how you should always keep your room tidy. An organized space correlates with an organized mind. Saying that, it is never a bad thing to strive for less. There’s a reason for that saying, “less is more”!


4. Don’t waste time on irrelevant news

Think about what feelings the news make you feel. The average news mostly consists of negative stories which, in turn, act as negative stimuli and causes distress and affects our mood for the rest of the day. Most of the things reported on the news do not even matter to you. If you must hear/read of the news, then limit the amount of exposure you get to the news or actually look up articles that directly pertain to your interest and determine how you can use that novel information to get the most out of your day.


5. Decrease time spent on your electronics

Maybe delete the unnecessary apps, and actually download the ones that you deem necessary. Go take that social media detox you’ve been wanting to do for the longest time ever! Keep yourself in check by observing how long you spend each day scrolling through your Instagram feed, or how much time you spend watching those lengthy mukbang YouTube videos.


6. Listen to some music

If all else fails, it helps to just play your favorite playlist to get your creative jams going and get that workflow started. The funny thing is, that’s exactly what I’m doing as I am writing this article! 


Well, there you go… now you know what it takes to get things done! Hopefully, you learned something new from reading this and can incorporate some of these tips into your routine! There’s no need to add onto things that are already creating more stress for you in your life. Experiment with things you think will be helpful for you and your productivity in the long run!